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HPE Around The World case study

hpe around the world case study
Christmas Activities

HPE Case study 

Client: HPE

Event: Around the World It’s a Knockout 

Date: 27th July 2023

Number of Participants: 100


HPE began working with us after coming across our website and filling out our website form. As HPE enquired this way we were able to begin understanding the bases of what they were looking for. Following the enquiry one of our fantastic event team specialists picked this up and began searching for what would be the perfect event for HPE. Before we could find what would suit this team the most, we need to understand the goals and objectives of the day for HPE. The team that would be completing the event would be a young team, HPE wanted to ensure the day was a fun and active experience. A long with the day allowing them to say farewell to a few of their colleagues the event also needed to improve communication, confidence and most importantly allow everyone to have fun. After we had figured out all the goals and objectives for the day, we put forward a few options of what we believed would be perfect for HPEs team building day. After working with the HPE team we went forward with Around the World It’s a Knockout being the perfect activity for the team to fulfil all objectives.

The Off Limits team then went ahead and began prepping all our inflatables and ensured our events team were ready to provide a fantastic team building day.

On the day 

HPE had picked 6 outstanding inflatables to fill their Around the world It’s a Knockout. The inflatables chosen were Antarctica, London Bridge, Cape Town, Rome, Cairo, and the Amazon rainforest. Each one of these inflatables work fantastically together to create the around the world feeling of the day. Each activity is different and ensures everybody works together as a team to improve everyone’s communication skills and confidence. 

Once the Off Limits team arrived and set the event up, we invited the HPE team in right on time. We began by running everyone through each one of the inflatables and how they ran. This ensured everyone knew exactly what they would be doing, and this could be done safely. We then started getting everyone warmed up and ready with a dance off. Getting everyone in the spirit and ready for some fun is done the correct way with putting on some music and getting everyone dancing. Now everyone was ready to kick start the around the world It’s a Knockout!


Our first stop requires you to make it to the top of the slippery iceberg. Can you make it to the top? It's not as easy as it looks...

- Speed

- Problem solving

- Agility

London, UK

Are you ready to navigate London’s busy streets as fast as you can – but be careful not to go through the stop sign. Will you make it to Heathrow in time for take-off?

- Balance

- Communication

- Speed

 Cape Town, South Africa

Head south of the equator and hunt for treasure in a deserted gold mine. Dive into the pit and return your rich pickings to your team – but avoid the counterfeit stuff or you’ll lose valuable points.

- Support

- Agility

- Humour

Rome, Italy

Your mission is to defend this iconic landmark from perilous attack by wet sponges. Extract as much water as you can to prevent these magnificent ruins from crumbling to dust.

- Strategy

- Teamwork 

- Agility

Cairo, Egypt

Squeeze through the tunnels beneath the Sphinx to solve the puzzle of the pyramids before your competitors do. Hurry, the clock is ticking! 

- Agility

- Communication

- Speed

Amazon Rainforest, Brazil

Lastly, conquer our rainforest assault course complete with trees, vines and the occasional downpour. When you reach the waterfall you’re almost home and dry – but if you want any points, you’ll need to hoopla an ape first.

- Speed

- Accuracy

- Agility

After a trip around the world, we were ready to announce the winners of the HPE team building day and wished the team a fantastic weekend after they had just completed the Around the world It’s a Knockout. On completion of a fantastic day the event fulfilled all objectives of building confidence, enhancing communication, and giving everyone an opportunity to say farewell to a few of their colleagues. HPE, thank you all for being such great sports on the day and throwing yourself (quite literally) into the activities. As we can see, everyone had an outstanding time! 

Below is some fantastic feedback from HPE: 

Overall, it was a great event so thank you to your team for making it so engaging, we will definitely be hosting the same event next year so hopefully we can go again.

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Written by Nellie Gethins

16th Wednesday August 2023

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