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Music on the Menu

Evening Events
music on the menu
Christmas Activities

Music on the Menu - Evening Events

Evening events with a surprise twist are what we do best. Music on the Menu takes the classic dinner format and adds an innovative performance piece into the mix. Guests think they're sitting down for dinner served in the traditional way, until our waiting staff start to get in the groove.

What's Involved?

Music on the Menu starts with a few subtle signs. The evening entertainment starts with a clatter of coffee cups and a tray crashing to the floor. Guests exchange smiles - someone's a little clumsy tonight! The maitre d shouts and starts to build a rhythm. Guests realise something's going on. Suddenly, a group of professional dancers and percussionists burst into the room dressed as catering staff. The troupe unleashes an amazing performance on the unsuspecting diners using everything from water butts to metal trays.

Think of Music on the Menu as a culinary version of the smash hit Stomp.

When the performance ends, the evening entertainment really begins!

Full diner participation is required. Our 'waiters' will give each table a goodie bag bursting with percussive kitchen utensils. The scene is set for a full-on, table-to-table play off. Music on the Menu sees everyone participating in a funky junk percussion group. Prepare to be surprised and delighted by the results.

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