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Food Bank Dominoes

Indoor Events
food bank dominoes
Christmas Activities

Food Bank Dominoes - Indoor Events

Do you want to create a tasty dominoes rally? Of course, you do…

There is more to food than just eating it. What items do you think you could make the best dominoes rally with? Everything from biscuits to cereals to tea boxes can be used. Create an elaborate course with food products around an office, warehouse or any other space you have. The more creative the better, we use props to add to the thrill of the track. Collaboration is key in this activity, join hundreds of items to create the biggest dominoes effect you can. Can your team create the track without any mistakes or false starts, so that the whole course is completed without any stops or restarting? This event always creates an energetic atmosphere especially when getting to the end successfully.

And you don’t need to worry about wasting all this food, as all will be donated to food banks.

Team Building Benefits:

  • Communication
  • Delegation
  • Perseverance
  • Collaboration
  • Leadership
  • Event Summary

    Creative / Practical

    What's Involved?

    The objective of this activity is to create a huge line of food boxes which will when pushed generate a huge dominoes effect around a room. Line up the boxes in any order you like but, you must think about which order will work the best. Will tall boxes knock over small ones, you will only know when you try. Once the boxes are lined up your team is set to go! Initiate the dominoes from the start and see whether your creation works all the way and learn where you need to make changes. Be prepared to scream and cheer as the dominoes gets closer to the finishing line. Believe us, it’s a great sense of achievement when your team have created a successful dominoes rally.

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