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Changing Rooms

Outdoor Events
changing rooms
Christmas Activities

Changing Rooms - Outdoor Events

Participate in a team building activity that puts something back into the community. We've taken the much-loved TV show and given it a makeover! Changing Rooms is a unique and challenging event that teaches a whole host of workplace-relevant skills and instils a sense of social responsibility at the same time. Your team will be tasked with planning and executing a project that adds value to a vital component of the local community.

Rewarding and illuminating, Changing Rooms is a hands-on, challenging team building activity that provides a tangible outcome and illustrates what can be achieved with team work.

Team Building Benefits:

  • Improve listening and communication skills
  • Bond a new team
  • Illustrate the importance of seeing a project through from inception to completion
  • Develop problem solving skills
  • Hone delegation and leadership techniques
  • Illustrate the importance of team work in organisations
  • Take teams out of their comfort zones
  • Teach the importance of learning new workplace-relevant skills
  • Demonstrate the value of team goal setting

What's Involved?

Our events coordinators will meet with you to discuss what you want to achieve as a result of undertaking this team building challenge.

Following our meeting, we will find a local self or government-funded project or venue in or around your preferred location. The project is one that will change lives and add immense value for the members of the local community.

All materials and equipment will be purchased in advance. Our events facilitators will be there on the day to coordinate the event and provide guidance so the team stays focused and is fully aware of what needs to be done to achieve success.

All sorts of skills will be developed as a result, from planning, resourcefulness and problem solving to time management, delegation and leadership techniques.

We come back to you with the details and a preferred timescale for completion.

Changing Rooms comes to a close with the grand unveiling and a huge round of applause! Teams will walk away with a huge sense of achievement and visible, permanent proof of the fruits of their labours.

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