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Crystal Quest Team Building

Outdoor Events
crystal quest team building
Christmas Activities

Crystal Quest - Outdoor Events

Experience this cult classic team building event for yourself! Teams crack cryptic clues and conquer mental and physical challenges in fantastically themed areas to win crystals. More crystals means more time in the dome during the grand finale. Once inside, it's a fast and furious scramble to grab fistfuls of golden tickets before the final whistle blows.

Team Building Benefits:

  • Communication, interaction and collaboration
  • Problem solving
  • Lateral thinking
  • Time management
  • Leadership and delegation
  • Encouraging competition

Event Summary

Creative / Practical

What's Involved?

Crystal Quest is team building at its most imaginative and engaging. Dive into a world of crystals, themed areas, challenges, domes and golden tickets. Your mission is to make it through all four areas of the maze, conquering mental and physical challenges to earn crystals. Each one will buy precious seconds inside the dome, where you'll race against the clock to grab as many golden tickets as you can. Watch out for the silver ones! These are bad news and knock time off your final score.

We've added themed activities to spice things up and keep teams on their toes.


Every second counts inside the crystal dome! All crystals earned from the challenges will be converted into seconds to be spent in the dome. Once the wind machine cranks into gear, silver and gold tickets will fill the air. Each team elects three people to enter the dome and collect as many golden tickets as possible. Steer clear of the silvers. Each silver ticket you collect cancels out a gold one.

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