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5 characteristics of a successful team

5 characteristics of a successful team
Christmas Activities

The vast majority of professionals expect employees to work in teams and the outcome means a difference between success and failure. Companies who place an emphasis on team success need to ensure they employ individuals who fit with their collaborative culture where their contributions are recognised. Most importantly a successful team means a drive in productivity and prosperity.

Here are the top 5 characteristics of a successful team:

Clear vision

A team with a defined vision has clear intent to win the game. They also have a good understanding and know individuals and colleagues have unique skills that can contribute to a specific goal. They don't aim to win but inspire each other to advance. The best workplace teams function in a similar way. They're motivated to succeed and advance their limits. These individuals are motivated by the company's mission to thrive and have quarterly and yearly goals to meet. It's essential for these goals to remain SMART as they provide a template for success and this ensures teams remain task focused.

Inspirational leader

An inspiring leader with a creative purpose is an individual capable of producing the conditions that boost and inspire employees in their team to generate exciting new ideas. Fostering creativity is important and good leaders encourage innovation and push employees into new thinking and taking on new projects. Allowing employees to express their individuality will not only improve team bonding efforts but will in turn lead to reinforced investment in the company.

Constructive communication

Team work encourages constructive communication. The willingness to ask for input characterises and shapes the best teams. It means individuals in the team respect opinions and you can support a wide range of viewpoints for productivity and efficiency.

Team cooperation

Football teams understand cooperation and coordination of players and how they leverage their positions. There is a game strategy and success. Individuals in the team need to learn their individual roles and how to support each other's strengths to create a stronger team dynamic. In the workplace, team means dividing tasks amongst the unique mix of abilities and working together as a unit.

Appreciating other team members

The best teams don't necessarily just need recognition from their leaders – great teams continue to recognise great work in each other. Support and recognition can encourage and contribute to supporting positive attributes in individuals. When your efforts are valued individuals go on to produce more great work. Many companies see the importance of team building and are regularly focused on investing in traditional activities. They recognise the benefits of both mental and physical activities as they far outweigh the benefits of subjecting staff to the same four walls.

Off Limits Event Professionals recognise that team building is essential to supporting their clients and ensure colleagues understand the strengths of the people they work with on a day to day basis. The Team Work Challenges team building event is designed to tackle issues in the workplace and is presented in a relaxed environment with a competitive slant.

What are your key characteristics of a successful team? We'd love to hear your thoughts on Linkedin or Twitter.

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Written by Jenna Halford

22nd Monday May 2017

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