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Chantelle Morris Corporate Sales Assistant Manager Promotion

chantelle morris corporate sales assistant manager promotion
Christmas Activities

Off Limits Event Professionals are pleased to announce Chantelle Morris has been promoted to Corporate Sales Assistant Manager. Chantelle became a 30 under 30 Conferences News award winner in October last year and we're delighted to see how she's grown within her role.

Chantelle has achieved so much in her five years at Off Limits Events and made a valuable contribution to the team. Her sales figures have increased by 94% through her development of key relationships with clients, agencies and venues. Last year was a record year for Chantelle as she took on additional responsibility, mentoring new starters as well as organising our client fam trips. In her new role she'll be managing and overseeing the corporate sales team alongside the Manager as well as driving key initiatives forward.

Director Martin Stephens commented “We're delighted Chantelle Morris has taken on this new role, she is a quick thinking and feisty individual and can translate any client brief into a creative, first class team building or corporate event. There's some exciting plans in store for the corporate sales team in 2018 and Chantelle will play a pivotal role in driving them forward. Watch this space”

The Off Limits Events team are thrilled to see what Chantelle will achieve over the coming year and the valuable contribution she'll make in delivering our key objectives in 2018.

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Written by Jenna Halford

11th Thursday January 2018

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