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Christmas Ad Watch 2015

christmas ad watch 2015
Christmas Activities

It's the most wonderful time of the year…again. Halloween is out the way and the festive season doesn't start until John Lewis says so, with a breathy cover song and a cute story. Yes, I am talking about the Christmas Adverts! If you're feeling as creative as these brands, put your team through an Advent Adverts team building package. You could be the next big brand making people cry during the X Factor ad break…


No I'm not talking about their actual Christmas ad, which while great won't create as much discussion as their most recent direct parody of John Lewis. An elderly man compares the prices of two telescopes on the moon, watching Jean come to visit him via a lounge chair with balloons attached to it (anybody who doesn't know Jean, think back to the lady in the previous Aldi advert "I don't like tea, I like gin").


You think about the times you go to KFC, it's always usually a bucket with friends and family. So how much do those close people in your life actually know you? Find out by taking part in the Friendship Bucket Test.

House of Fraser

"Celebrate Christmas on your terms," that's what House of Fraser are telling you to do in their new Xmas advert! Whether it's champagne for breakfast, partying in pajamas or dancing on the dinner table, 'tis the season to be whatever you want to be.


The most recent of Xmas ads, Sainsbury's have created a heartwarming tale by bringing back Mog the Cat: a creation of children's book writer Judith Kerr. Accidentally wreaking havoc in the kitchen, Mog manages to burn the house down, but save the whole family by dialling 999 in her clumsiness. Finally the townspeople showed their Christmas spirit by bringing their Christmas day to the family.

John Lewis

As expected, this is an absolute heartwarmer! Telling the story of an old man alone on the moon, a young girl on a housing estate sends him a telescope in a parcel propelled by balloons for him to use and communicate. This was made to raise awareness about the issues of loneliness in the elderly and raise money for Age UK.


Looking like the beauty version of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, people are escorted room-by-room to see all the Christmas gifts they could buy.


The foodie's Xmas ad right here, focusing on what “makes Christmas,” such as the first batch of mince pies, or Dad multitasking like crazy in the kitchen.


Celebrating all the things you do “because it's Christmas,” Asda has put together a collection of things we all do at this time of year: such as grabbing an opportunity for a quick snog under the mistletoe at the work Christmas party (mind that HR don't see though), and grabbing the biggest tree possible.


One of the first out of the gate, Lidl takes us back-to-school for some Christmas education. In Lidl's ‘School of Christmas,' the classes show pupils how to deal with different, humorous aspects of Christmas – like making the perfect leftover sandwich, or reacting to disappointing presents.


Romeo Beckham is joined by the likes of Julie Walters, James Cordon, James Bay, Naomi Campbell and Elton John to recreate the opening scene of Billy Elliot, celebrating 15 years of the classic movie.

TK Maxx

TK Maxx focuses on giving gifts to those you don't think about, the neighbours loud and quiet. Consumers are reminded to spread the festive cheer to those nearest to them.

Not On The High Street

Highlighting how Christmas with this brand doesn't have to be big name consumer products, Not On The High Street shows you it's the presents you can't find anywhere else that surprise the most.

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Written by Jim Alexander

11th Wednesday November 2015

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