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Christmas Blues

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Christmas Activities

It’s that time of the year where everyone is back in the office after having some time off for Christmas. Everyone is having the Christmas time blues and January has kicked in. It can be hard to motivate employees in January, keeping them going into the year. Sometimes employees just need to feel appreciated and look forward to something. Planning a team building day for 2020 is a great idea to give everyone the focus. This also shows to them that the company cares about them and how they feel. Give your team something to look forward to in quarter one and get a team building day booked in. It doesn’t need to be a big expensive day, it can be as simple as taking half hour out of the day to do an office quiz. 

A few team building benefits:

  • Motivation – employees appreciate it when companies give them time to take out of work and to enjoy their colleagues company in a more relaxed environment where you don’t have to just talk about work. 
  • Team Collaboration – give your employees chance to work together in completing a challenge successfully that isn’t a work related one. A great way to get everyone talking and collaborating with others they may not day to day. 
  • Delegation – If you choose an activity that requires a leader, then you will be able to see who puts themselves forward and who becomes the true leader of the team. A great way to see employees work together and leading one another to succeed. 

Team building doesn’t have to just be in the day, it really can be at any time. We offer a variety of options for all types of team building. Here are some types of team building we deliver daily: 

  • Outdoor – Outdoor events tend to be the bigger events that need more space. An event that may take up to half a day to complete. It’s a great way to get all employees out of the usual office environment and putting their heads into a new challenge. 
  • Indoor – We have so many events that can be done right in your office so you don’t need to worry about where you will need to go. But if you did want to do an indoor event somewhere else then we can also find you a venue. 
  • Evening – Planning an evening dinner or maybe an awards night? We can offer evening events for all sorts of occasions. Evenings like a casino night or race night work really well as an office party or celebration. 
  • Activity Days – Apart from extremely fun, corporate activity days offer your employees a much needed change of scenery along with an equally as needed break from the daily targets and objectives. Quad bikes, archery, shooting activities and more. 
  • Icebreakers – We have so many activities that are great to fit in between conferences and meetings. A long day full of meetings will go a lot faster and be more entertaining with an icebreaker in the middle. To keep everyone motivated for the rest of the day. 

Get rid of the Christmas blues and get a team building day booked in. 

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Written by Charlotte Sneddon

03rd Friday January 2020

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