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Event Industry Insights through lockdown and Moving Forward

event industry insights through lockdown and moving forward
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We were asked to be involved in a great article from Venues and Events International. They wanted to hear about how lockdown had changed the events industry and how companies had to adapt to survive. It was fantastic to be asked to be involved in something that had such an impact on our business and industry.  

Lockdown has been hard for us all, but the events industry literally got closed down over night and has been unable to run for over a year. We have of course had to find ways around this as a business and virtual events have played a major role in seeing us through this time. We had always had virtual events on our road map to develop in the future, but we had no time to waste and had to use our internal resources and expertise to get these events live asap to enable us to have a source of business.  

We talked about how this was a big change in direction for us but how great it was from a business perspective to see our teams adapt and deliver such outstanding work and events in such a short period of time, showing that they really are event experts in everyway and can deliver and succeed in any event environment. 

We then were asked how we saw the industry moving forward and did we think live events would be back. Luckily, we have seen a huge influx for live event enquires and not only enquiries but bookings too. Businesses really have seen the importance of team building and employees spending real time together and the positive impact that has on the employee, their well-being, mental health, and motivation along with the increased communication and teamwork. Businesses real do now see the positive impact this has on their business and success.  

We can’t wait to get back out delivering events in the field as nothing beats the buzz of a live event with people face to face all together in the same room and place.  

It was also really interesting to hear from other event companies to see how they had got through this time, the changes they had made and how they saw the industry moving forward.  

We are so happy to hear that all the companies are now seeing increased enquiries and bookings especially for live events. 

We love this industry and know how hard it has been for us all, it’s so positive to see articles like this showing that we are moving forward again. 

Thank you for asking us to be involved, and we can’t wait to see you all again back out on the live event scene delivering outstanding events as we all do.  

You can read the full article here - 

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Written by Jenna Halford

03rd Thursday June 2021

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