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Get To Know Our Corporate Team

get to know our corporate team
Christmas Activities

Our corporate team work extremely hard to get to know you and your requirements to create the ideal bespoke event for your organisation, so we want you to know more about the team themselves. We have asked our Corporate team some get to know us questions, to paint you a picture of the team and to find out their special team traits.

Abby Magill – Corporate Sales Team Manager 

Who makes the most cups of tea/coffee in the office? 


Who is the chatterbox? 


Do you have a clumsy corporate? 

Chantelle...see a pattern here!

Who has the funniest sense of humour? 

Natalie... she's always laughing at her own jokes

Who is the sarcastic one of the team? 


What are your hobbies? 

Going to bounce...spending time with family and friends...being a football mum!

If you were to put together a day of team building activities, what would be included?

I'd start with something active, like totally wiped out, as it would be funny watching everyone take part, and being out their comfort zones, I also like to be competitive and know my girls would be a good team to compete with!!

I also love cake, so British Baking Challenge would be a great one for me... finished off with a cocktail making masterclass as who doesn't like a tipple or two, or three, or four!

Chantelle Morris - Corporate Sales Team Assistant Manager

Who makes the most cups of tea/coffee in the office? 

Definitely me! I drink a lot of coffee, so the others get nagged to get up and make their fair share 😊 

Who is the chatterbox? 

More than likely me again! Or Nat. When she's in a good mood there's no keeping her quiet. 

Do you have a clumsy corporate? can't catch, and I'm always dropping things, knocking things over etc.

Who has the funniest sense of humour?

I mean Nat would like to think it's her, she laughs at her own Jokes all the time, but I'd say Danni is the true witty one! 

Who is the sarcastic one of the team?

Why is it always me?! Sarcasm is my go to witty comeback, which is why I'm not the funniest!  

What is your most unusual talent? 

I can lick my nose with my tongue – does this count as a talent? Natalie and I are also entering the X Factor as ‘Chatalie' after discovering whilst singing away at our desks that we are super talented singers. (Obviously joking)

What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?

If I have a sausage or bacon sandwich I have to have ketchup on one side of the bread and mayo on the other – people always tell me this is weird – personally I think it's normal. If you want a weird food habit I don't actually like food combinations, I have to eat things in ‘sections'. Somebody cooking peas and sweetcorn in the same pan is my worst nightmare, takes forever to divide them apart again! 

Danielle Watson – Corporate Event Executive 

Who makes the most cups of tea/coffee in the office? 


Who is the chatterbox?

 All of us

Do you have a clumsy corporate? 


Who has the funniest sense of humour? 


Who is the sarcastic one of the team?


What is the first and last thing you do in a day? 

First thing would be to look at the tasks for the day and last thing would be to have a final check over my emails.

Where is your favourite place to be? 

On holiday 

Georgia Dursoe - Corporate Event Executive 

Who makes the most cups of tea/coffee in the office? 

Danni, she makes the nicest cuppa too 😊

Who is the chatterbox? 

It's a tie between Natalie and Chantelle

Do you have a clumsy corporate? 

Probably me

Who has the funniest sense of humour?

Not sure as I have only been here a few days, but Natalie makes me laugh!

Who is the sarcastic one of the team?


What is your go to film to watch? 

I think my favourite film of all time is Dumb and Dumber or The Mask! 

What's your favourite type of venue to do an event at? 

I haven't done an event yet, but I can't wait to see the lovely hotel grounds we get to do events at!

Kimberley Athi - Corporate Event Executive 

Who makes the most cups of tea/coffee in the office? 

I've only been here 3 days! But so far Dani has made me a lovey brew 😊

Who is the chatterbox? 


Do you have a clumsy corporate? 

Not that I've seen, yet.

Who has the funniest sense of humour?

I'm not sure who has the funniest, but the team are all funny 😊

Who is the sarcastic one of the team?

I don't know yet 😊

Where's your favourite place to travel?


If you were having a dinner party, which 3 famous people would you invite? 

David Attenborough, Prince Harry and David Walliams

Natalie Thorpe - Corporate Event Executive 

Who makes the most cups of tea/coffee in the office? 

Chantelle & Kimberly, always after a hot beverage! Chantelle is super cranky without coffee... 

Who is the chatterbox? 

Georgia, Sophie & Abby, loves a chat! Hot topics – food; always the most important, theatre & all the gin/beverages.

Do you have a clumsy corporate? 

Chantelle, can't catch, drops everything – v.clumsy but hilarious with it! 

Who has the funniest sense of humour?

Dani, always has a story to tell, fun & down with the kids! 

Who is the sarcastic one of the team?

Abby & Chantelle, no filter, always honest – terrible come backs...

Where are some unusual places you've been?

I haven't really been anywhere that unusual but a few of my favourite places are Cornwall, Italy and Greece. 

Have you got a favourite team building activity? 

Totally Wiped Out or In It 2 Win It 

Will Breen – Business Development Manager 

Who makes the most cups of tea/coffee in the office?

Me or Chantelle

Who is the chatterbox?


Do you have a clumsy corporate?

Not sure if any of the team are clumsy (That used to be Jess Stokes) 

Who has the funniest sense of humour?

Me of course 😊

Who is the sarcastic one of the team?

We all have our moments

What is your favourite thing about work?

I get to meet so many new people

What does your ideal weekend comprise of?

Socialising with friends and family mainly while finding time to go to the gym and do jobs around the house. Always consists of a beer or two!!


Miss Tea Maker – Chantelle

Miss Chatterbox – Natalie 

Miss Clumsy – Chantelle

Miss Funny – Dani

Miss Sarcastic – Abby

Miss Sings out of Tune – Georgia 

Miss Newbie – Kimberly 

Mr Charity - Will Breen

Check out our video of the corporate team on our social media channels! 

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Written by Jenna Halford

09th Monday July 2018

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