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In The Spotlight With Chris Peacock

in the spotlight with chris peacock
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Our spotlight interview for November is Chris Peacock, co-founder and Director at Conference Care. We asked him several questions about his professional career and his experience so far within the events industry. Read below to find out more on what he had to say: 


1. How did you find yourself working in the events industry, and what is your current role?

I’m the co-founder and Director at Conference Care, the best venue finding and events agency in the country! I look after sales, finance and generally running the company, with the help of a great team.

2. Tell us about your professional experience within the industry so far? 

We set up Conference Care in 1995, before that I had many roles in hotel management and hospitality, working for groups including De Vere and Marriott. Originally I trained as a chef, before it was fashionable.

3. What have been your highlights and proud moments so far working in the industry? 

There have been so many it’s hard to pull out. Winning the M&IT Gold award for best agency six times running (against much bigger competition) is a great achievement, particularly as it’s voted by clients. Another would be my year as Chair of the HBAA, and raising a lot of money for my chosen charity the RNLI.

4. What have been some of your biggest challenges in your career?

Probably taking that leap from being in a good safe job to starting a business from scratch is one of the biggest. Despite having to learn a lot very quickly, I never regretted it and now think of myself as pretty much unemployable!

5. What would you say has been the biggest change you have seen in the industry?

Probably the rise in demand for independent and out of the ordinary venues. 20 years ago, there was really only hotels and conference centres, now there’s such a huge range of quirky and different venues to choose from.

6. What trends do you see emerging within the industry?

An increased focus on giving back, whether that’s around sustainability, mindfulness or mental well-being.

7. What does your ideal weekend / days off look like? 

I’d love to spout some really interesting hobbies here, but honestly it would be a sunny day, walking with the dogs, faffing about in the garden and a barbeque.

8. If you had could have a super power, what would this be?

Definitely to be able to talk to dogs (I try it all the time). Oh and cats. And horses!

9. Where is your dream holiday destination and why?

I’ve just been to Cuba and it’s right up there, a beautiful Caribbean island, interesting history, great people, awesome weather and beaches.

10. Do you have a favourite inspirational quote, if so, what is it?

“You never lose in business, either you win or you learn”

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Written by Charlotte Sneddon

26th Tuesday November 2019

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