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In The Spotlight With David Tremmil

in the spotlight with david tremmil
Christmas Activities

Our spotlight interview is with David Tremmil, we speak to him about his professional career so far and what his proudest moments are. We also ask him what his super power would be if he could have one, read on to find out what he has to say:

1. Tell us about your professional experience within the industry so far? 

I started with humble beginnings as a Devere Trainee at The Dormy Hotel Ferndown. This was back in the early 90’s where I had very little money but a lot of hair. My early wanderlust then took me overseas where I secured work at the Moulin Rouge before making my way over to Barcelona to serve the medal winners during the 1992 Olympics. A particular highlight was appearing on French TV whilst serving Prince Albert of Monaco. Back on home turf, hospitality was still in my blood and I did various roles including bars manager, restaurant manager and wedding co-ordinator before eventually settling in the Midlands. I thought I would try my hand at sales and I loved it. I gained considerable experience and contacts in the following years before branching out into an agency partnership. Fast forward to 2013 and InLoco was born.   


2. What have been your highlights and most proud moment so far working in the events industry?

My proudest moment must have been banking the first commission payment for InLoco Events. A particular highlight that springs to mind is when Martin, from Off Limits, and I went to appraise a field for some team building activities and got chased out of the afore-mentioned field by some very disgruntled cows. Office work is definitely for me!

3. What has been one of your biggest challenges in your career?

Maintaining the customer service standards that InLoco Events Ltd is known for whilst integrating the acquisition of the Liebermann Select brand.

4. Given all your experience in the field, how has the industry evolved and what do you predict for the future?

Customers are increasingly reliant on venue finders to facilitate all areas of conferencing. Their needs are more complex meaning our role is more complex. It is very rare that a venue search is based solely on price. Service standards are very often as important a criteria, if not more important than price alone. I have also found that there is also an expectation that the venue finder is involved from inception through to post event. These factors combined to make our job more and more involved.   


5. Do you see any trends emerging within the industry?

As clients are looking for a more personable service I have seen a bias towards the smaller/medium agents as opposed to the large corporates. 

6. What led you to work at InLoco Events?

To prove that hospitality, joviality and excellent customer service are not mutually exclusive.

7. What does your ideal weekend look like?

Spending quality time with my partner.

8. If you had could have a super power, what would this be? 

The ability to fly and see the world from a different perspective plus I also look rather dashing in blue lycra.

9. Where is your dream holiday destination and why?

Borneo. I am passionate about Orangutans and the devastating effects of de-forestation 

10. Do you have a favourite inspirational quote, if so, what is it?

Joseph Joubert “The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress”

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Written by Charlotte Sneddon

27th Thursday February 2020

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