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In The Spotlight With Nick Scott

in the spotlight with nick scott
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Nick Scott is a force to be reckoned in the events industry and the successful, family-run ArrangeMy business is testament to his hard-work and dedication. He's certainly committed to providing first class travel, accommodation and conference venue finding solutions for clients. Even with the change in technology he's still rooted in the same family values the business started with 28 years ago.

Here's what Nick had to say to us:

1. Tell us about your background in the events industry.

I've been fortunate to have worked in the events industry for nearly 25 years. I started out as a Waiter within a Forte hotel and moved onto Hotel Porter (I know this job is close to Martin's heart) I also worked as a Hotel Sales Manager and Destination Management Company Exec before I was lucky enough to join ArrangeMY on the operations floor in 2004. I become MD ten years ago and can honestly say I genuinely love my job and the people I work with.

2. Why did you decide to setup ArrangeMy?

I was born into the ArrangeMY business and I'm really proud of the family success. The business was setup by my Mum and Dad 28 years ago on a shelf on our landing at home. Originally called BookOTel until we rebranded in 2015 to try and better describe the full range of business travel and event services we now offer. In 1990 my Dad recognised there was a gap in the market for a hotel booking agency that offered a professional yet friendly service that achieves the best possible rates for our clients. Even with our wider range of services and name change our mantra remains the same today. We're still fiercely loyal to retaining our family values and at the moment there are five members of the clan (including both my sisters) working within the group and the next generation is already being schooled for the future.

3. Given all your experience in the field, how has the industry evolved?

The industry is so fast moving and I find it really interesting to look back on where we came from and where we are now. The main difference of course is technology, I can still remember us having massive brochure libraries, fax machines and the telephone used to ring off the hook. Looking back even further, when Mum and Dad first started they hand wrote booking confirmations on triplicate paper with the white copy posted to the client, yellow posted to the venue and the pink copy kept on file. The technology today has made us infinitely more efficient but the relationships we have with suppliers and the care for our clients remains exactly the same.

4. What trends do you see emerging in the corporate hospitality and events sector?

I see the main trends continuing to be the consolidation of suppliers (we're definitely not for sale either) Also clients are continually refining their understanding of the ‘total cost of an event' including the way we measure returns, the food revolution is important as venues are seek to improve their product. As the leisure sector evolves and technology continues to develop it will enable us to offer services and opportunities to our clients we previously dreamed of.

5. What is your favourite team building event?

I'm a sucker for an engine and can highly recommend any of the Off Limits Events motorised events. This said on a recent visit to the Off Limits Events secret warehouse I spied the original ‘It's A Knockout' equipment and I'm currently trying to find a client who wants to invite me along...

6. Where is your favourite place in the world to visit and why?

My back garden in Worcester. My wife's a keen gardener and I'm a keen sitter and when I'm away with work so much I appreciate being at home.

7. Who would you invite to your dream dinner party?

Family, friends, and various brit pop and rock stars from the 1990's.... its already starting to sound like an event rather than just dinner!

We're looking forward to seeing what's ahead for Nick and what he has to offer the industry in 2018. Watch this space!

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Written by Jenna Halford

26th Friday January 2018

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