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New Year's Resolutions For The Office

new year's resolutions for the office
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To make sure you’re ready for the next year in the office we have mapped out a few New Year’s resolutions for work. To make sure these ideas work introduce them slowly making one change at a time, ask for help and share your accomplishments with others. As long as you’re moving forward, every small step counts. 

There are resolutions like limiting yourself to one piece of cake per office celebration or not eating any of the office treats in the week as hard as these may be, we have also listed some productivity focused resolutions that aim to boost your daily happiness and creativity at work.  

1. Be on time! Reduce stress and anxiety by being early to work, meetings and conferences. By getting there early you’ll be able to network and settle in. Be prepared for the day ahead and set an alarm on your phone reminding you of what you have on that day. 


2. Arrange for team social times: Socialising with your team outside of work is important to gain relationships which will help the team grow at work. Having close relationships will help to get everyone working together and supporting one another.


3. Try to solve problems differently: Instead of staring at the computer screen and not finding a solution, try getting up and going for a walk. Removing yourself from the situation can often generate new ideas and keep the mind active. Most of the time we like to solve problems on our own, but this will create more stress and time wasting, involve others and learn from their advice by talking through different ideas.  


4. Delegation: If you’re one that enjoys being busy and taking on all the work load this is great but can also cause problems to others, if they need things quickly etc. By delegating the workload across the team this ensures everything is getting done and makes everyone else feel involved and important.  


5. Organise work load: In a day you’ll have set tasks you need to get done, and you will roughly know how long these will take to complete. Make sure you start with the tasks that are more challenging, so they are not left as the 4pm mad rush. Also, if you need help from others and you leave it late, they may not be so helpful after the first couple of times of waiting behind.


6. Discover your weakness: We all have one, and it’s whether you can establish what yours is to whether you will become stronger in your role.  


7. Try to be as healthy as you can: Work celebrations only have one piece of cake, try not to eat any office treats every other day and bring a lunch from home instead of buying from the lunch van. 


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Written by Jenna Halford

03rd Thursday January 2019

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