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Staying Connected

staying connected
Christmas Activities

Now more than ever we need to make sure that we stay well connected with our team members that are working from home at this time. There are many ways in which you can do this through various applications that allow you to video conference call. It is worthwhile setting a meeting/scheduling a video call once a week with your team to connect as a team. Here are some applications that have proven to be great for staying in contact with your team:


WhatsApp is primarily known for group chats and fun emojis and gifs but this app allows you to make a group video call also. A great app for smaller teams especially if you already have a group chat set up. 

Microsoft Teams:

This is a great app to have on your laptops or desktops as you can create group chats on here. This way team members do not get distracted by their phone if you wanted to drop them a message. A great way that people in the teams can talk to one another in work times. 


Similar to Microsoft teams this app allows you to make video calls to your team members very easily. Another perfect app to set up on the computer so that everyone in your workplace can keep in touch. 


This app is a new upcoming video meeting service, during this current time thousands of people have downloaded this to keep in touch with friends, family and of course work colleagues. If you usually have meetings with large numbers of people, then Zoom is great. You can have over 50 people in one video call.

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Written by Charlotte Sneddon

09th Thursday April 2020

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