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Team Building is back

team building is back
Christmas Activities

Team Building Events can happen again!

Yes that’s right we are so excited to be back and able to run outdoor team building events for up to 30 people, it has taken a while to get here and we are hopeful to keep moving forward in this ever changing world, but its great to be back and just doing some of what we do best.

2020 is changing by the minute and we still can’t believe how much it has changed the world in such a short time. But we will get back to normal, it may just take longer than we expected and planned for. In such a difficult time keeping morale up is so important, so its such great news that from Monday 1st August we can hold events outdoors for up to 30 people.

We have a huge range of events that we can run outdoors, and we own all the events so can guarantee that they will all be safe and follow Covid-19 guidelines and restrictions. We are approved by Visit England to run our events, so you can rest assured that everything will be safe and we have a 15 million pound public liability insurance, so you know you are covered and in safe hands.

Now is a great time to do an outdoor event with such great weather in the UK and the feeling of being outdoors always helps to inspire and refresh people. It enables teams to have a different mindset, as the new setting takes them out of their comfort zone and allows new ways of communicating, thinking, and working together.  

With teams having not really been together for such a long time it is really important that team building takes place as soon as possible to rebuild bonds and give back that feeling of togetherness. It’s also a great safe environment which will allow teams to reinter act with each other and remember how important each employee is to the team and organisation. 

Everyone has had hard moments through the last few months and they still maybe more to come, so some time out with your team is the perfect solution to put a smile back on everyone’s face. There is also such an importance right now on all employee’s mental health, so a day with their team will remind them that they are cared about, and they are important to the team and organisation. Just a small gesture of a team building activity will go such a long way in helping their mindset to be positive, letting them know they are safe and a feeling and knowledge that their team and company are there for them. This feeling for employees is so important now more than ever. 

So, if you are looking to get your team back together and feeling motivated and positive, just give us a call and we will find the right event solution for you. 

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Written by Jenna Halford

07th Friday August 2020

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