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Top 5 tips to stay mindful...

top 5 tips to stay mindful...
Christmas Activities

We all know now that our lifestyle has become busier and busier and it’s the norm. We need to remember how to recharge and look after ourselves when we are working. A workday can be filled with meetings, phone calls, deadlines and much more, and then we spend our evenings trying to catch up. Some raise kids, race through TV episodes or have to catch up with a huge number of messages from friends and family! This can all get on top of us if we forget to stop and think about ourselves. Finding a balance is important. We have listed 5 tips to ensure you stay mindful in a long busy day: 

1. Take time out before beginning your day…

Before you start your day take some time to just be with yourself, have a coffee and just observe. This might just be a few minutes, but it will get you thinking about other things other than just work and what’s ahead in that day. 

2. Be a single-tasker…

Single-tasking is important for everyone to take into consideration. This means doing one thing at a time. No-body can perfectly multi-task your brain is switching from one thing to the next quickly which means often losing data in the process. Try completing one task before moving on to the next one. Turn your emails off for 45 mins whilst focusing on a project, emails are the biggest distraction – when you see you have an email come through often you will stop what you’re doing to check it.  

3. Accept what you can’t change…

Some say that acceptance lies at the heart of mindfulness, to accept the present moment just as it is. As well as accepting yourself just as you are. So, at work you must accept the facts, if there is something you can’t change, accept it and move on. 

4. Team activities…

Taking time out from the day to day activities of your job role and spending time with your colleagues can really be a benefit for your mindfulness. Talk about something different other than work, participate in an activity or maybe go for a walk. 

5. Unclutter your workspace…

Clear space = clear mind. If you have a lot of unorganised paperwork on your desk or it’s just generally messy with things you don’t need, it can affect your mindfulness and productivity at work. Get your desk cleared and organised and it will help with how you feel day to day. 


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Written by Charlotte Sneddon

08th Friday November 2019

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