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Why A Christmas Party Is Important

why a christmas party is important
Christmas Activities

A Christmas party is widely regarded as the biggest event in the workplace social calendar. With budgets being tightened and pockets being sewn up, can a business really justify the expense of a Christmas party?

With all this said, our answer to the above is yes! Christmas parties don't have to be as expensive as you would first imagine. Some companies will see it as a big get together at an expensive venue and luckily will not have to worry about the expense. For those that still want a big Christmas party on a smaller budget there are so many options! A Christmas party isn’t just about getting everyone together for a jolly, here’s what we think it is about:

1. A thank you from managers / directors to the staff for all their hard work throughout the year 

2. Entertaining your staff at Christmas will see the return in favor in hard work, loyalty and motivation for 2019

3. Provides a key opportunity to deliver key company messages, recognition awards and plan for the year ahead (but in a relaxed environment) 

4. Incorporate some of our icebreakers and team building activities into your event to strengthen workforce dynamic and team work. 

5. Encourages staff members to socialise with others they wouldn’t normally. Therefore, bringing the community of work together going forward. Staff talking to managers / directors is often seen when taken out of the working environment.

6. Staff retention can be maintained by giving a Christmas party to remember full of memories to be talked about for years to come. 

7. Cost Saving – Why not hold your event during lunch so that you know most staff will be able to attend. Even postponing your Christmas party until January – gives staff something to look forward to in the new year. 

8. Not to host a Christmas party gives out a negative message, leaving employees feeling unappreciated and deflated from the year of hard work. You will also look like scrooge! 

9. The last thing to remember above all is, it’s a break away from the desk and the usual office dynamics and an opportunity for everyone to HAVE FUN!!!!

Christmas is about getting everyone together outside of the office environment and giving the staff something back. This can be done even with the staff paying a small amount towards the event, this will help with budgets and people would rather do that than not have one at all. 

When booking your Christmas party just remember if you had no staff you would not need budgets, but with no budgets you have no business. Have fun and show your staff how it’s done this Christmas. 

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Written by Jenna Halford

24th Wednesday October 2018

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