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Corporate Boot Camp

corporate boot camp
Christmas Activities

Corporate Boot Camp

Do the "no limits" teams in your organization need to be a bit more disciplined in their approaches? Are you looking for a means to build leadership skills, teamwork, communication, trust, time management skills, and fitness appreciation in your maverick teams? A day at Corporate Boot Camp may be the experience you are seeking. At Corporate Boot Camp a "drill sergeant" takes your teams through a rigorous day of structured physical activities and problem solving dilemmas to encourage functioning as a unit.

If your employees have trouble accepting and integrating criticism, Corporate Boot Camp is the place to learn how to take the harshest feedback without breaking down or dropping out. By tapping into the energy of the group, team members will try and succeed in mastering tough physical challenges and near impossible assignments.

Team members will feel as if they are in the Army as they are ordered to set up camp, do callisthenics, race up hills while holding on to the waist of the team member in front of them, navigate an obstacle course, and participate in partner-assisted weight lifting. Running events include marathon runs, sprints, and relay races that will leave team members breathless and proud. Teams will be pushed beyond their limits to achieve goals they never thought they could reach. Both mental and physical conditioning is the by-product of this single or multi-day activity. Even a few hours of Corporate Boot Camp will motivate team members, and inspire a "can do" attitude.

A follow-up series of one-hour sessions spread over a period of six weeks will continue to build physical stamina over time, and extend the initial boot camp experience to keep the team's momentum and motivation high, and create a lasting impact on the team. Pack your teams off to Corporate Boot Camp, and watch them become all that they can be!

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