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Eco Challenge Team Building

eco challenge team building
Christmas Activities

Eco-Challenge Team Building

The ultimate in extreme team building is a stimulating mix of wilderness survival activities including hiking, kayaking, rock climbing, mountain biking, and white water rafting. These are the components to be enjoyed during an Eco-challenge. One day, or multi-day events are available, with time provided to debrief about the day's experiences and lessons learned. An Eco-challenge builds a variety of team skills including stimulating problem-solving proficiency, enhancing communication effectiveness in challenging situations, accepting leadership from each team member, heightening team trust and confidence levels, and inspiring team creativity.

The adventure begins by assembling teams at the base camp early in the day where teams will be briefed on the day's events. The group will be divided into teams and outfitted in protective gear. Instructions will be given as to how to navigate each challenge to be encountered along the way. Team members with experience in the various course challenges will be identified and given leadership roles to perform during the course of the day. Meals and snacks will be provided at designated meeting spots along the Eco-challenge course, and a guide will be provided for each team.

Working against the clock, teams will set off on a course of tough terrain and water challenges. Along the way teams will be provided with the equipment needed to safely climb rocks, bicycle through wooded trails, paddle down rivers, and raft through white water rapids. The team completing the course first wins.

At the end of each day, teams will be treated to a BBQ at the base camp and regale each other with tales of the day's adventures. Before the Eco-challenge ends, teams will be asked to directly relate the lessons learned in the wilderness to the team's workplace functioning. Teams will commit to implement their new learning about themselves and their teammates immediately upon return to work.

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