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Teams And Technology

teams and technology
Christmas Activities

Teams and Technology

Does your team have the latest in electronic gadgets, software, and systems? Is there anyone on your team that knows how to use all of the available features provided by these technological wonders? Are you trying to run Windows Vista on steam powered computers? Have your systems been built in a piecemeal fashion resulting in frustrating glitches and long processing delays? Any and all of these technology problems can be identified and resolved by engaging in a technology audit.

To prepare for the audit team members will be asked to answer the following questions:

  • Have you been trained to use all of the features available on the programs/equipment you use regularly?
  • Do all of the features and functions of your equipment and software work properly?
  • Are you currently using outdated machines or software to accomplish your work?
  • Is system failure a frequent problem in your work area?
  • Do you lack basic skills (such as the ability to type) that are needed to address your workload efficiently?
  • Do the systems used by our team interface seamlessly with other systems that they need to interact with regularly?
  • Do you experience protracted "down time" periods that interfere with providing top quality customer service?
  • Is anyone on your team tasked with the responsibility of doing regular environmental scans to identify better or newer equipment or software that would expedite the team's work?
  • Are you provided with timely bulletins that instruct you how to use system updates?
  • Are all team members held accountable for knowing how to use the technology that they have been provided?
  • When technology breaks or fails is it repaired quickly and competently?
Once these questions have been addressed it is incumbent upon the team leader to address the problems identified to assure that the technology used by the team serves to facilitate task accomplishment, and does not produce undue frustration and delays for team members.
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