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Virtual Company Masterpiece

Virtual Events
virtual company masterpiece
Christmas Activities

Virtual Company Masterpiece - Virtual Events

Release your inner Rembrandt or go wild like Warhol in our creative art-based virtual challenge! 

Event Summary

Creative / Practical

What's Involved?

Your team will recreate a famous piece of art composing of many hand-crafted smaller sections.

Each team member receives a section of a famous piece of art or even a company logo. Their job is to recreate that section using whatever products or materials they have available! From food items and clothing to makeup or paint! 

Against the clock and with the big picture always in mind, you’ll be amazed at what everyone comes up with! Once all edited together, we reveal the complete work in a dramatic fashion.

This is all about being creative and showing how everyone's piece of work is so important to create the masterpiece, it shows how everyone plays a vital role to enable the final success. Just like in the workplace, working together is the way you will really succeed.

This virtual event is great for showing employees how important their role is within the business and how everyone's roles impact on each other, it shows no matter what part in the picture you play you are needed for the business to run successfully.

At the end of the event you also have an outstanding piece of art work to display within the business to remind everyone, of what they can create and achieve together.  


The event duration can range from 45 minutes - 2 hours, depending on how detailed you want the end piece. 

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