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Five Brilliant Rounds For Your Quiz Event

five brilliant rounds for your quiz event
Christmas Activities

Quizzes are the classic evening entertainment, and they can be perfect for a corporate dinner. If you want yours to stand out from the crowd, you need a memorable round. I've run a few quiz contests myself, over the years, and collected some favourites along the way. Here are five of the best.

Six degrees of Kevin Bacon

Logo logistics

Interactive challenges

Bright lights, big city


Below is how to play each round and more quiz and virtual event ideas, or if you are looking for lockdown quiz questions then why not check out our lockdown quiz? 

Virtual Events have always been something that people have talked about and has been part of the events industry for a number of years but they have really entered into another dimension when forced upon society as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. With social distancing in place for some time to come Off Limits Ltd have had to look at ways in which we can continue delivering Corporate Events and Team Building taking into account the limitations that the lack of face to face interaction imposes. 

How to play the rounds - 

Six degrees of Kevin Bacon

They say any film is just six steps away from a movie Kevin Bacon was in. This idea is called a six degrees of Kevin Bacon', and it's the basis for this classic movie round.

Teams must name a number of actors, actresses or films based on your clues: just as in a standard movie quiz round. The answers to all the questions in the round, though, will give further clues to the identity of a Kevin Bacon film when taken together. Teams naming the Bacon movie correctly either get five extra points, or double their points for the round. Top contenders for the bonus answer are movies featuring big casts, famous songs and big directors: JFK, Footloose, Flatliners, Apollo 13, A Few Good Men or X-Men: First Class.

Logo logistics

Logos are everywhere: but how many can your team spot when the brand names have been removed? Start with easy company badges, like Apple and Nike, and get progressively harder as you go through the round. You'll be amazed how many common logos suddenly become hard to spot when the wording is taken away.

Interactive challenges

A modern quiz can be so much more than questions down the local pub. Smart devices are the perfect platform for challenges with a difference - like creating a 30-second movie skit or matching photo clues to find places in and around your event venue.

Don't fancy complicating the issue? Try something simple by getting teams up on stage for hilarious themed rounds. If you're having a horror night, get team members to Dress the Mummy or bob for ‘eyeballs' in a bowl. The more of a laugh your interactive round is, the better (hint: save this one until the second half of the quiz, when everyone's had a few glasses of wine).

Bright lights, big city

How well do you know your favourite city? Test your teams' international jet-setting experience by getting them to identify world cities from their skylines, or using aerial photos of legendary locations. This one's great for including in a themed evening. I like the Superhero theme. You can add this round to a superhero quiz by making the cityscapes tie in with costumed avengers: Gotham, Metropolis, Mega City One, Star City...


A classic final round, Snookered can change everything with the final answer. The format is 12 questions, alternating between simple ones (red balls) and progressively more obscure ones (colours). Teams get one point for each red ball question they get right, but the corresponding snooker score for every colour they ‘pot' - so if you answer the green question right, you get three points instead of one.

The catch is that coloured balls only count if the team has got the preceding red ball question right - just like in the real game. You've got to pot the red before you can score on a colour.

Snookered is great for giving teams hope in the very last moments of the quiz. If they get the final red right, they stand to make a massive seven points by potting black. The tension when the answers are read out is unbearable!

Quiz Ideas and Virtual Events 

With working from home and social distancing in mind, we have created a range of virtual events that can be delivered anywhere from home offices to kitchen tables. In fact these events can be global and can bring a work force together with a short lead in time and minimal disruption. One thing for sure is that we will ensure that there is maximum interaction and a true sense of competition – continuing to build teams and enhance moral in such difficult and challenging times.

Our ideas include but are not limited to the below event suggestions – the world really is our oyster in terms of events that can be created to engage teams and re-instigate the one team one goal philosophy!



Our team Quiz-oom was designed to replace the afterwork social, encouraging teams to let their hair down and have a laugh!

Played in the comfort of your own home, your virtual office or indeed the office, this is a virtual pub quiz enabling teams to connect, have some fun and get competitive. Hosted via video conferencing software and one of our event facilitators, you’ll be up against your colleagues to see who can score the highest points.

Your remote event starts with an uplifting briefing from one of our experienced facilitators who will be present (virtually!) via video. Participants will then get stuck into the activity, completing the challenges with their colleagues via video stream and through our interactive app. 

With a huge variety of content and app features, the challenges are designed to recreate the things that we love about working in a busy office. Each activity will bring your team together, prevent people feeling isolated and boost morale.



Our very own online team-based Haka – your opportunity to learn about the Maori culture and get to taste the passion that actually goes into this historic tribal war dance.

Your delegates will get the full-on Haka experience at the hands of our energetic events coordinator! It's a great way to illustrate the power of communication without using words.

Thrilling, powerful, passionate and disciplined, Haka is all about unity and strength. What better way to bond a team?

Participants will be asked to design their own tribal markings beforehand, so they can be on screen in their full tribal glory.

Our event organiser, will lead the guests through the history of the Haka, then get all guests to join in on the multi-screen video, everyone can enjoy watching the team come together from far away! 



The aim of this activity is simple… Score as many points as possible before you run out of time! Working in remote teams, you will quickly decide via video call on the best answer to each question, task and challenge to win maximum points.

Team strategy is the key to winning this challenge; players must communicate and work with the other remote players in order to navigate the virtual game-board to progress. All whilst racing against the ticking clock!

Playing from any location including home, participants will use their own devices to answer questions and complete challenges. 

Your remote event starts with a briefing from one of our facilitators who will be present virtually via video. Participants will then get stuck into their activity, completing the challenges with their colleagues via video stream, through the interactive app, from the comfort of their own home!



In the safety of your own home, teams will feel connected and inspired. Get ready to create your own company music video! Your guests won’t believe the finished product when it all comes together. 

We will send a short instructional video and then the rest is down to you! 

Each team will receive lyrics and a full backing track, you will take part in a band meeting via zoom to decide who sings what. After some inspiration from us, you will then record yourselves on your phone, laptop or tablets and simply send the clips back.   

Why not add; costumes, lights, back drops, props and anything else you can find around the house! 

We will then collate, edit, insert funnies and produce each bands final cut ready to present back to everyone involved.

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Written by Julian

27th Monday July 2015

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