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How to keep your remote team motivated

how to keep your remote team motivated
Christmas Activities

In this current climate the number of teams suddenly working from home has increased rapidly. Some managers and employers may not have needed to respond to a lot of workers being remote before, so this is why we are here to help with ideas on how to keep the team motivated. As well as tips and help for managers who now need to manage a team remotely. Now, more than ever we have to make sure we communicate and collaborate effectively and more often. We have listed below ways to keep your team motivated at this time:

Remote Workshops: 

We have set up online workshops for teams to be involved with. These workshops aim to boost team morale, communication, build up team resilience and focus on well-being. You can find more details on these courses here.

Virtual Games:

Replace the usual Friday night social with some online virtual games with your teams. We can host all sorts of games through online video conferencing. A team quiz is a great event for everyone to enjoy after the hard days work and it also takes everyone’s mind off the current situation. You can read more about our virtual games here.

Stay Connected:

It is important at these times to ensure you stay well connected with your team making sure that you are speaking to them daily and set up group video calls each week. As well as managers speaking to employees it is also just as good for colleagues to see and speak to each other too. 

Motivational Quotes:

Set up a weekly email to your team containing motivational and inspirational quotes, this will help teams be engaged with their manager and it will help build relationships for when everyone is back in the office. You could even get each person to send a motivational quote to the team, just let each team member know when it’s their turn to send one. A variety of quotes will be raised, and these can be looked back on when you are back in the office together. 


You can set your team a challenge to complete, this can be work related. It’s a great idea to get team members to create a video about a piece of work or an idea for the team going into quarter 2. By making a video this gives teams something different to do and encourages creativity. This also creates competition between everyone which makes it more interactive too.   

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Written by Charlotte Sneddon

03rd Friday April 2020

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