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Boosting Team Morale

boosting team morale
Christmas Activities

Boosting Team Morale

Does it seem like the only time you hear about team morale is when someone remarks that it is low? Strangely enough, morale is only a relevant team issue when it is waning or absent. High morale is the subconscious norm that workers believe should exist in the workplace. When it is present, strong morale goes without notice, because it supports a perceived state of normalcy. This means that by the time someone mentions the condition of team morale, there is already a problem with it.

Here at Off Limits we have a number of team building activities and corporate events which can help to boost and build team morale.

For something a little different from the normal team building activities why not try Its a Knockout. Your teams can spend their day running about playing all the games from the old TV show, such as Penguin Pursuit, Musical Monks, The Kings and Schoolboy Holiday! It's a Knockout is a team building event with maximum participation, hilarity and provides a unique team building exercise.

We have also specialised in team driving events for many years and can offer some unique driving events if any of your team members want to unleash their driving fantasies. Driving events can involve off roading, racing or skilfully manoeuvring a vehicle around a tricky course. Driving events are a fun adventure for all team members of all fitness levels, ages and genders.

There are a number of activities and events which can help to build team morale in a relaxed environment away from the office.

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