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Looking To Increase Communication

looking to increase communication
Christmas Activities

Communication at work is key to success in all teams and helps meet the business goals as one whole unit. There are many ways to increase communication, or even develop communication skills within the workplace. We are here to give you some ideas of some team building activities that will drive communication and bond all team members in a unique environment. See below some perfect team building events for communication:

Motion Machine:

Teams must work together to create one big working machine. This brings individual teams together with others. As a team you will create one section of the machine to then come together with other teams to create the final masterpiece. Will your machine work from start to finish?

Picasso Picture Show:

Another fantastic team activity. In teams you will work together to recreate a famous Picasso painting. You will split the team into sections who will be painting, who will be remembering the section of the painting etc. Of course, switch roles and see who works best where. You may have your very own Pablo on your team. 

Crystal Quest:

Complete challenges as a team and decide on whose strengths are best for each. For every challenge completed successfully you gain crystals, the more crystals gained means the more time for your team in the grand finale. We’ve added themed activities to spice things up and keep all team members on their toes. 

Soap Box Derby:

Create a vehicle that will be ready for the races at the end of the day. Using only the materials presented to you. A great fun, competitive team building event for all. Teams will be briefed at the beginning and split into teams to create vehicles which must pass a MOT. 

Tablet Treasure Hunt:

We’ve taken the ordinary treasure hunt to a new level and incorporated modern technology. A route will be planned for you treasure hunt and you will be set on your way to collect points. Answering various questions and completing challenges as you go. This is highly competitive and fun for all. 

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Written by Charlotte Sneddon

21st Thursday March 2019

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