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2017 Events Industry Trends

2017 events industry trends
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2017 is likely to be the most interesting and dynamic year for team building trends, with uncertainty and change on the horizon it's becoming more paramount that companies need to invest in team building events for employees. Employers to show and reassure staff of the changes and see the potential of the long term benefits of employee development.

Team building designed to deal with uncertainty and change

Team building will be used as a tool to smooth over uncertainty and change with Brexit on the horizon. Companies are starting to shift their focus towards more tactical team building strategies to help their employees deal with change better. Companies are trying to become sharper at spotting trends and will be learning how to cope and adapt to changes. This can be achieved through team building exercises with time-frames, project planning and budgeting. A good example of this is Apprenticeship Challenge, Soap Box Derby and Chocolate Chip Challenge.

Virtual reality, drones, GPS and augmented reality for engaging delegates

This is more applicable to companies ahead of the technology game and who want their delegates to be creatively inspired. Escapologic our Escape Rooms in Nottingham are continuing to trend at a rapid pace. With the latest trend in immersive entertainment delegates are locked into a themed room and challenged to breakout using nothing but their skills and brain power. Rooms are all encompassing and combine elements of theatre, game play, special effects and is a great interactive team building experience.

Charity team building

HR teams are trying to embed the values of corporate social responsibility into their team building activities. Charitable based projects can be used effectively in stimulating employees to recognise the importance of giving back to the community. The Governments Corporate Social Responsibility policies are hot on the agenda for 2017 in the workplace. Team building that involves giving back can add depth to employees and create a motivational force in the workplace. At Off Limits Events the Changing Rooms event is a popular event amongst clients. It's a unique, challenging event that encourages employees to give back to the community and teaches a whole host of workplace relevant skills.

Anti-stress relievers

With stress beginning to intensify we'll see a surge in companies turning towards mindfulness related events. Mindfulness helps relieve anxiety and stress so you can achieve a real sense of connection and fulfilment in the present moment. Companies will be driving their wellness programs in 2017 to help combat depression and growth of anxiety in the workplace. To help transform business culture and individuals for the better with a more positive, focused energy. We have an array of relevant Mindfulness events designed to deal with these topics and inspire individuals to think more positively.

Team building with revenue related topics

Again, companies are acting cautiously with spending and thinking about the bottom line. Team building events where employees can have fun but also learn about planning and budgeting are vastly becoming a top priority. It's an opportunity for employees to learn about smart planning and how to think smartly with budgets and costings to win team building challenges.

Shorter team building activities

Shorter team building sessions are becoming increasingly popular, the most popular timeframe for an event is 2 hours. It can be tight to fit in well thought out team building activities but employers are becoming cost conscious and it can be expensive to gather employees in one spot for one day. If this is the case icebreakers are great for instant high energy team building that can get employees engaged and off their seats. The In It To Win It events are other examples of quick fire, creative team building events that can be achieved in under 2 hours.

What are your thoughts on team building trends for 2017? We'd love to hear from you on Linkedin or Twitter.

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Written by Jenna Halford

23rd Monday January 2017

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