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4 new team building event

4 new team building events
Christmas Activities

Off Limits Event Professionals have an extensive collection of indoor and outdoor team building activities and we're continually listening to our client needs and developing our portfolio to ensure we deliver the best range of team building events. As an industry leader we're continually revitalising and improving activities to ensure clients receive the best opportunities to motivate, bond and educate employees. These new events have been developed in line with the core values of team building including building trust, improving communication and encouraging collaboration. Here are 4 of our new top team building events:

Wacky Wheels

This activity is one of our newest team building events where delegates compete to create the most dynamic and fastest vehicles using only the materials provided. The event will start with teams reading through a model build guide, assessing and communicating which is the best option within the allocated budget. Once the team building event commences you'll work together using only the selected materials to create a more dynamic and aesthetically pleasing racing car. In the final round, teams will race their cars in an effort to identify the most road worthy and crafty builds. This event is designed to enhance communication, encourage creative thinking and will highlight the importance of each individual team member.

Medieval Mayhem

Here ye! Medieval Mayhem is an outdoor team building event fit for peasants and royalty alike. You'll go back to the era in waiting and Knights of the Round Table as delegates compete in a series of historical themed challenges and sporting events. Teams will go head to head against each other in rounds as you fight to win points designed to test determination and strength. It's a visually impressive event and you'll take part in a series of challenges as you build trebuchets using the materials and tools provided. You'll fire rocks towards the inflatable castle to invade, use a bow and arrow to hit unsuspecting targets, spear the hoops and hit the quintain in a courageous team effort.

Claim of Thrones

This is an event fit for true leaders and alliances, delegates and your fellow house members will compete against opposing teams to win the Throne of Steel honour. Each house will prepare for battle by designing and creating house flags and armour. Every army needs mobility and a sturdy ship, and a battle plan. Who will wipe out promising kings and queens in the final battle for glory? Delegates will take part in the jousting jaunt, trebuchet build and delegates can practice how to throw an axe along with being tasked to build their own working ship. This event covers all aspects of team building values including strength, leadership, collaboration and it will create memories all around.

Sorcerer's Apprenticeship

Are your delegates fans of Harry Potter and the wizarding world? The new term beckons for each of the students and each team will have to compete in four challenges to collect as many golden snitches as possible. The activities include protecting pigwarts as the death eaters attempt to storm the castle and it's up to delegates to defend themselves. Try to escape to the goblin bank and negotiate around the bank's labyrinth walls without waking the sleeping dragon. Not forgetting the taming ledwig, spell book archery and the grand finale in the Dursley's post grab dome.

These new events have been carefully selected to extend our portfolio and will inject enthusiasm and excitement into your team building event. It will create a buzz, accomplishment and laughter during and after the event for all your employees. Are you interested in hearing more about these events?

We'd love to hear from you on Linkedin or Twitter.

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Written by Jenna Halford

21st Tuesday February 2017

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