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Team Building Events to increase Motivation

team building events to increase motivation
Christmas Activities

It is that time of year where we return back to work from the Christmas holidays, and we need something exciting to get us through. Could your team do with a team building activity to pick them up from the January blues? You have come to the right place. Off Limits have so many team building events that will have your team spring back into action. Take a look at a few we think are particularly great for motivation: 

It’s a Knockout 

Gather your team and get ready for an event that will have you all laughing from start to finish. Your team will be looking forward to this event and they will be counting down the days. At It’s a Knockout you and your team will be faced with a variety of challenges that you will either go head to head on or pull together as a team. Climb over huge inflatables, make your way up slippery summit and wobble across the magic carpets. It’s a Knockout is an energetic event that will get your team working together and motivating each other to achieve success. 

Around the world – It’s a Knockout 

If you liked the sound of It’s a Knockout, then you may want to try this event too. We take you on a trip around the world conquering challenges together through inflatable, puzzles and races. This event will make your team feel cultured and travelled yet they are still in the same place. Giving them a taste of different places within one event. This team building activity will have your team sharing memories and keeping them forever. This will increase motivation due to the relationships colleagues have built during the event. 

Tablet Treasure Hunt 

Get the competitive spirit flowing with this team event, compete against the clock and each other. Who will come out on top, who will have the best geographical knowledge when we send you on various challenges. This will ensure your employees work together to find out everyone’s strengths and know when to use them. Teams will need to think creatively and collaboratively to be in with the chance of becoming the treasure hunt champions. 

Quick Quiz 

Looking for a motivator then this event is perfect, and it gets even better because we can bring this one straight to you! We can use your office space to deliver this event so no need to think of transport or an alternative location. This is the ultimate test of the fastest finger first; we will ask a variety of questions on different subjects and whoever gets in their first receives the points. We can also tailor the rounds to themes that you may want rather than our own – this will be the ultimate test of who has done their homework! 

Sustainable Soapbox Speedway 

Grab your team and let’s go make a soapbox that will put them to the test. This isn’t just making a soapbox, this has to be functional and ready to race! Using only basic materials and tools you will have to build your own from scratch and use pedal power to win. Each vehicle must pass an MOT to be able to compete in the races. This will test your teams mental thinking, creativity and definitely motivate them by wanting to succeed. 

Motion Machine 

Within our team building event motion machine you will need your teams to be forward thinking and bold with their decisions. This is an ingenious event and will have your teams racing against the time. This machine has to be working at the end using only parts of flight cases supplied by us. If one part of the machine is not constructed correctly, then that means the whole machine does not work. This event literally shows how every part is essential for anything to work correctly. Which team will go back to the office champions? 

If you would like any further information about of these events listed above or any other activities, we can offer you then get in touch with us. We look forward to helping you motivate your team for a bright and successful 2023. 

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Written by Julian

24th Tuesday January 2023

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