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Top 5 Mindfulness Team Building Events

top 5 mindfulness team building events
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Mindfulness team building in the workplace, practice the art of calm

Mindfulness Team Building Events for employees that are constantly striving to perform their best and when feeling too overwhelmed the morale and productivity decreases. As we become too busy then anxiety can take over and manifest itself into a severe lack of morale in the workforce. Individuals end up in a vicious circle of saying “I have so much to do” and “where do I start?” and an unhealthy pattern begins to develop.

The mindfulness trend is proving extremely popular and a growing force in the workplace. So much so that the Aetna company have spent time reshaping their culture through investment in mindfulness programmes. More than one quarter of the company's 50,000 workforce participated in at least one class of their yoga programs. The result was a 28% reduction in stress levels, 19% reduction in pain and 20% improvement in sleep quality. The main impact was employees became more effective in their job and gained an average of 62 minutes in productivity each week. Other companies such as Google offer emotional intelligence courses to support employees and BlackRock are also teaching meditation practices on the job. The courses aim to help employees become more present-minded, less prone to making rash decisions and kinder to their colleagues.

Meditation can provide calm in a fast paced, busy environment

View our top 5 team building events designed to support mindfulness:

Health in Mind

This session is about being aware and in the moment as well as totally in sync and comfortable with your thoughts, feelings as well as connected to your environment. Remember that mindfulness is key to helping with relaxation, concentration, responding to situations and dealing with problems. It's important to consider that no two individuals are the same and no two companies are identical. Each mindfulness session is adapted to suit client needs and designed to be fascinating, illuminating, revealing and honest.

Balanced bites

Take on the Balanced Bites Challenge as it's a good way to create nutritious food that will get the thumbs up from a top chef. It's time to create a nutritious, two course-meal using only the items in the team larder. During the event a professional chef will be on hand to help with top tips and techniques, enabling colleagues to sharpen their cooking skills and get creative. It's time to make the most of individual team talents and take advantage of having an expert in the room. The nutritious value of this event is second to none and employees will also be learning new skills throughout the activity.

Stress Buster Session

Take part in team building that uses simple techniques to control tension and manage your stress levels. The event means we can deliver half or full day workshop to include a mix of desk or regular yoga, meditation, visualisation, beginner massage and tai chi. It will teach delegates how to use everything from breathing, laughter to movement and touch. This event is designed to improve stress levels and combat anxiety but most of all boost morale amongst colleagues.

Comedy Class

This activity will give delegates the opportunity to dive into the thrilling world of comedy, this comedy class covers it all from improvisation to sketch comedy. It's a real tonic and enables groups to exchange ideas, communicate, relax and bond over the art of laughter. All of these activities are team based as the classes include theatre warm-ups, clowning, challenges, remember this class is all about using comedy for presenting and public speaking. It's the ultimate ‘think on your feet' type of activity and a great way to feed off team members ideas and reactions.

The Art of Being Arty

Do your delegates want to experience some creative team building? This event is designed to unlock delegates creative side and get the creative juices flowing. You'll learn everything from brushing to blending colours as you discover meditation as you experiment. It's time to become open to the to the techniques for switching from left-brain logic to right brain creativity. The event supports relaxation and is designed to improve lateral thinking, creativity and communication.

What are your top mindfulness team building events? We'd love to hear from you on Linkedin or Twitter.

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Written by Charlotte Sneddon

26th Friday January 2018

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